Sunday, 1 June 2014

It's No longer a Dream ..( 1000 words short story)

               Priya was scrutinizing herself in the mirror, all decked up in her red light weight zardosi Sari, she adjusted the mang tikka. “Varun would be floored, you are looking gorgeous, my dear.” Her elder sister Rekha eased her apprehensions; she smiled back at her through the mirror. Today, she was feeling like a princess, everyone at her beck and call, ready to do things for her.

            She was getting used to the feeling of being depended on people now, no matter how much she hated it, she had no choice. But ‘soon’, she promised herself, ‘she would be standing on her feet’. The doctors had promised her that with recent technology it was possible. “Hey! The Baraat is here” someone informed, and the crowd of girls surrounding her giggled and moved downstairs to join the frenzy.

          She was left all by herself. Moving her wheelchair towards the window, she peeped through the flimsy curtains, Varun was mounting down from a Ghodi, he lifted his Sehra and Priya’s heart fluttered wildly, just like it had when she had first seen him sitting in their drawing room, with his parents. It was ‘Love at first sight!’ for both of them; they couldn't take their eyes off each other. The stolen glances all throughout the meeting conveyed their thoughts better than words could ever do.

         Soon they were engaged, and those were the blissful days that Priya would treasure for life. The long talks on phone, the longing that she felt when he was out of town for work, the sweet anticipation of meeting him, wearing his favorite color, trying to in vain to look beautiful for each meeting. Priya was flying with ecstasy those days drugged with the elixir of love. Varun had totally swept her off her feet with his charm. The sweet memories brought along with it, the bitter taste of the wretched incident, which changed her life forever.

           She was returning after meeting her group of friends and inviting them personally for her wedding due in less than a month. Deciding to call up Varun, she lost track of time while speaking to him and realized it quite late when the train halted at her destination. She rushed to get down and just as she was about to descend, the train started moving, losing her balance, she was pulled into the gap between the platform and the train. Her hands reflexively reached out towards her phantom legs; she could still feel the ache. She had blacked out at the site of blood.

            Some good Samaritans picked her up and got her admitted to a nearby hospital. When she opened her eyes, her family was already there. Those days of misery make her shudder till date. She waxed and waned from self pity and despair to hope and courage to face the inevitable. Her father informed her that she was on the front page of every newspaper and people wanted to meet her, share their stories, and renew her hope. But her eyes were constantly searching for Varun.

          Her mother revealed that the wedding was called off, but her heart still believed that Varun would come. How could he leave her when she needed him the most? It questioned. She was angry with fate and God for changing everything with a stroke of bad luck. Just like that, the dreams which she had cherished few days back where crushed along with her legs. She could no more walk, stand, run.

          Hopelessly she used to watch the door, day and night, waiting for a miracle which would turn life back to normal.  Almost after two weeks had passed, when Priya had given up all her dreams and had accepted her fate, did Varun walked in. A myriad of emotions ran through her, if only she could get up and hug him. He looked disheveled and strained. He came and sat beside her, moving his hand over her face, “I’m sorry!” he whispered into her ear. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the inevitable. Tears ran down her cheek, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t come earlier” he said wiping her tears. She opened her eyes to read his emotions, his eyes were watery and sad, but the lips were smiling, his countenance beamed with pure love.

          They hugged each other, soaking each other in the tears of joy and the pleasure of finding each other back again. “Let’s get married, as soon as you are ready.” He said moving away. “Mom and Dad are against it, but I think they’ll come around.” He explained his absence in one sentence. Priya relaxed; finally her faith in God was restored. If Varun was with her, she was ready to face the world.

        “Priya didi, they are calling you downstairs” Chanchal broke her reverie and brought her back to the present day. She started maneuvering her wheelchair to reach for her crutches which stood at the corner. “Didi, you do not need them anymore” Chanchal chirped. “Huh?” Priya looked at her to see if she was joking. “Varun bhaiya is here to pick you up” Chanchal explained. Priya followed Chanchal’s hand movements and her gaze got locked with Varun’s, standing at the door smiling at her indulgently, mischief written all over his face.

      “How can I miss such an opportunity?” he winked. She blushed. He moved closer and picked her up in his arms with ease. “You are looking ravishing” he muttered into her ear. She smiled and whispered back, “Coming from Mr. handsome, I take that as a compliment.” They walked down the aisle, Priya was thanking her stars, when suddenly it all felt too surreal to be true, “Is this a dream?” She panicked.

          “Ouch!” Varun exclaimed hurt. “What are you doing?”  Priya giggled mirthfully
“Just confirming whether it’s a daydream” she replied, rubbing the area where she had pinched him.

           “It’s No Longer a Dream, Priya” Varun assured lovingly. Priya reaffirmed “It’s no longer a dream!” 

(Written for a short story competition for a book called 'It's no longer a dream' by Sanjeev Ranjan. Do read it when you see it. Oh ya I didn't win the competition..:p)